Tearing Stripes Off Zebras

Nessa O’Mahony, editor
Tearing Stripes of Zebras
of Women Writing in Ireland
9781851323005 paperback, €20
9781851323104 limited edition hardback, €50
Tearing Stripes off Zebras is an anthology of new literary writing by thirty-three women who, at one time or another, have participated in the WEB writers’ group which emerged in the mid-1980s after some contributors attended workshops organised by the Women’s Education Bureau (WEB), the national association of Irish women writers. WEB was the brainchild of Arlen House founder Catherine Rose, who appointed poet Eavan Boland as Creative Director.
As an editor at Arlen House from 1978, Boland did much extraordinary work to develop, mentor and promote Irish women writers. The founders of WEB writers’ group initially met at these empowering, transformative workshops, and they have been meeting continuously for almost forty years, making WEB one of the longest-running writing groups in Ireland. Over the decades, WEB writers and alumni have established highly successful literary careers, publishing books, having plays and film scripts produced, and winning prestigious literary prizes.
This anthology of new poetry, prose and drama, edited by Nessa O’Mahony, is dedicated to the memory of Eavan Boland.
Look! It's a Woman Writer

Éilís Ní Dhuibhne, editor
Look! It’s a Woman Writer! Irish Literary Feminisms, 1970–2020
ISBN: 9781851322510
Available from
Why have women been treated differently, and discriminated against, in the literary world? Why has gender been a ‘problem’ in the writing, publishing, funding and reviewing scene? And why does it matter?
Eilis Ni Dhuibhne asked 21 writers who were born in mid-twentieth-century Ireland, north and south, to write about their literary lives. They tell it like it really was, and is. Collectively, th?se vivid, original essays provide us with a fascinating picture of Ireland’s literary landscape from multiple female points of view. Poets, fiction writers, playwrights, impresarios, writers in Irish and English, have written accounts which are funny, tragic, philosophical, angry, but all are lively, stunningly-honest testimonies of the writing life during a pivotal period in the history of Irish literature. These writers came of age when legislation for gender equality was beginning to be enacted. They are growing older on an island where a great deal has changed, for the better, as far as women are concerned. They have participated in, and created, new and more egalitarian literary scenes through their activism, but above all with their writing. They were movers and shakers when it really mattered. They are literary survivors.
Contributors: Eilis Ni Dhuibhne, Catherine Dunne, Lia Mills, Medbh McGuckian, Evelyn Conlon, Mary O’Malley, Liz McManus, Mary O?Donnell, Moya Cannon, Celia de Freine, Mary Dorcey, Anne Devlin, Mary Rose Callaghan, Mary Morrissy, Aine Ni Ghlinn, Sophia Hillan, Ruth Carr, Cherry Smyth, Mairide Woods, Ivy Bannister, Phyl Herbert. With a foreword by novelist Martina Devlin and an afterword by Arlen House publisher Alan Hayes, this book is essential reading for anyone with an interest in how Ireland finally began to value the voices of women. Here is, in their own words, the story of the women who are the way-pavers of modern and post-modern Irish literature. There has never been a collection of essays like this.
Fear Na Rosann

Nollaig Mac Congáil, eagarthóir
Fear na Rosann: Saol agus Saothar Fhinn Mhic Cumhaill
9781851321520 limited edition
Bhí cáil ar na scríbhneoirí Conallacha Gaeilge sa chéad leath den aois seo caite ó thaobh na scríbhneoireachta de agus maidir lena ndearna siad ar son Athbheochan na Gaeilge i réimsí éagsúla thar na blianta. Orthu sin bhí Fionn Mac Cumhaill (1885-1965), duine nach dtráchtar air mórán anois ach a rinne a chion féin ar son na Gaeilge i gcaitheamh a shaoil. Rianaítear sa leabhar seo saol siúlach, spéisiúil an údair seo agus cuirtear inár láthair saothair éagsúla leis a foilsíodh thall is abhus i gcaitheamh na mblianta. Tugann an leabhar seo breis léargais dúinn ar scoil scríbhneoireachta nagConallach agus ar an obair a rinne siad i gcomhar ar son na Gaeilge ina gCúige féin ach go háirithe.
A Fascination With Fabric
‘Eileen Casey has a rich and evocative style which she delivers with great subtlety. Her talent emerges in a very moving way by doing the most difficult things so well, allowing the simplicity and strength of the detail to shine without any attempt to overpower the reader’ – Hugo Hamilton
Eileen Casey is a fiction writer, poet and journalist originally from the Midlands and now living in Tallaght, Co. Dublin. Her fiction awards include the 2010 Hennessy Literary Award in Emerging Fiction, Listowel Writers’ Week Short Fiction Award, the Maria Edgeworth Fiction Award, the Cecil Day Lewis Award and the Golden Pen Prize. Recipient of a Patrick and Katherine Kavanagh Fellowship and Arts Council bursaries, her debut poetry collection, Drinking the Colour Blue, was published by New Island in 2008. Eileen holds a BA (Hons) in Humanities from Dublin City University and, in 2012, graduated with distinction from the M.Phil in Creative Writing at Trinity College Dublin.